Therefore if any man be in
Mashiach, he is a new creature; old things are passed away, behold all things are become new. 
And all things are of Elohiym, who hath reconciled us to himself by Yeshua HaMashiach, and hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation. 
II Cor. 5: 17-18


Yahweh hath sworn, and will not repent, Thou art a priest for ever after the order of Malki-Tzedek . Psalms 110:4
Project Poverty, is a ministry initiative conducted on behalf of those living in poverty stricken areas of the world. Its goal is to bring help, relief, and hope to the millions of people struggling to survive. Those who are the least of Yeshua HaMashiach and are in dire need of assistance in overcoming their life circumstances. Through the establishment of various righteous partnerships and ministrial alliances, Project Poverty will work to create a global argricultural network of faithful righteous volunteers, dedicated to learning and assessing the needs of the impoverished within each local area of their nation. Through this combined effort, Project Poverty seeks to identify, target, and combat the severest conditions of poverty throughout the world, until every poor person has the opportunity to seek the kingdom of Ehyeh Yahweh Elohiym, and His righteouness.  

Yeshua Eternal A Reconciliation Ministry and Priesthood © 2020
We CARE Prayer and Health Ministry is an outreach ministry conducted on behalf of those who are sick. Its goal is to create and support a voluteer network of mature righteous believers who have a true passion for the Mashiach and compassion for people. This network of individuals shall provide examinations, spiritual counseling, prayers for healing, and natural health and hygiene information to those who are sick or diseased in their bodies. This ministry shall operate through the prayer of faith.

Operation Refuge is a ministry of outreach and hope to those trapped in the bondages of human slavery, exploitation, and trafficking. Throughout this world, in many of the poorest of countries and communities, many women, children, teenagers, and even men, fall victim daily to the societal evils of kidnapping and human slavery. Once enslaved, many are forced into prostitution, drug trafficking, theft, and terrorist activity, with no one to help them, and no one to care. It is at this point of hopelessness, that Operating Refuge seeks to make the difference. Through joint coordinated efforts, and strategic recovery campaigns, Operation Refuge will work to demonstate the love of God, by bring help, hope, and freedom to the unheard thousands crying for release.

The Righteous Arrows Initiative is an "end times" ministry work of Yeshua Eternal Reconciliation Ministry and Priesthood. It's aim is to reach the youth of our society for Yeshua. It is a ministry whose goal and primary purpose is to disciple the youth of this world, and prepare them for future "end times" service to the Mashiach, as we advance towards the fulfillment of time and Holy Scripture. It is a mentoring ministry developed to promote spiritual growth, maturity, and inspiration as young servants to live truthfully with zeal for our Master and Savior Yeshua HaMashiach.